Agri-Prenuer, Seven Hundred and Four (704) Positions at County Government of Kitui

  • Full Time
  • Kitui

County Government of Kitui

Requirement for Appointment: 

  • Must be between 20 – 45 years of Age with a national ID;
  • Must be an active resident of the village in which the profiling exercise is being undertaken;
  • Minimum academic qualification of a post-secondary qualification from a recognized institution, preferably in Agricultural Sciences, Agribusiness, Statistics, Social Sciences, Community Development & related disciplines;
  • Demonstrate some experience in agriculture or agribusiness & interactions with farmers;
  • Must own a smartphone & be computer literate;
  • Must be able to communicate in Kiswahili, English & the local dialect in their locality;
  • Ability & willingness to remain personally involved & committed on a full-time basis; and
  • Strong past experience in community mobilization & training farmers on agricultural value chains.

Method of Application

Each application should be accompanied by detailed curriculum vitae, copies of relevant academic and professional certificates, a National Identity Card or Passport, testimonials, and other relevant supporting documents.

Applications should be submitted in a sealed envelope with the position applied for clearly marked on the left side and hand-delivered to the respective Ward Administrator’s offices. The applications should be addressed to the:

The Board Secretary,
Kitui County Public Service Board,
P.O. Box 33-90200, Kitui.

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